Please support CIDSO and its goals through sponsorship of the CIDSO Open GALA & GOLF Tournament. There are several sponsor levels all designated to highlight your support of CIDSO, its kids and families. Please see details below.
To secure a sponsorship, please click on the "Registration" tab at the top of the page or the “Register” button at the end of this sponsorship descriptions.
Sponsorship | Cost |
Diamond | $4,500.00 |
Ruby | $3,500.00 |
Emerald | $2,500.00 |
Sapphire | $250.00 |
Item: General Event Sponsor
Sponsorship Includes: One, 4-person, complimentary VIP Golf package with a reserved table for eight to the pre-tournament GALA.
Recognition: Sponsor’s name will be included on promotional materials, on event web site as well as “Major Sponsors” video that will be playing at the pre-tournament GALA and the post-tournament Awards Luncheon.
Due Date: Sponsor will be invoiced 30 days prior to the event.
Donation: $4,500
Item: Gala Sponsor
Number of GALA Attendees: 250-300
Sponsorship Includes: One, 4-person, Golf VIP package with a reserved table for eight to the pre-tournament GALA.
Recognition: Sponsor's name will be included on event web site as well as "Major Sponsors" video that will be playing at the pre-tournament GALA and the post-tournament Awards Luncheon.
Due Date: Sponsor will be invoiced 30 days prior to the event.
Donation: $3,500
Item: Tournament Sponsor
Item Includes: One, 4-person, Golf VIP package with a reserved table for eight to the pre-tournament GALA.
Recognition: Sponsor’s name and logo is prominently displayed on tournament marketing materials and signage. Sponsor’s name will be included on event web site as well as "Major Sponsors" video that will be playing at the pre-tournament GALA and the post-tournament Awards Luncheon.
Due Date: Sponsor will be invoiced 30 days prior to the event.
Donation: $2,500
Item: Tournament hole sponsor
Description: This sponsorship creates a unique opportunity for a business or professional to showcase their support of CIDSO and what it does in the community. Each business / profession descriptor is unique and may only be assigned to one business or professional.
Example: “Bob Jones,Accountant Official Supporter of the CIDSO Open Golf Tournament" or "Sammy's Carpet Service"
Recognition: Each sponsor will be recognized via a 20” x 24” sign acknowledging their name and the wording to denote their specific recognition. Wording is limited to fifteen words. This sign will be prominently displayed at the golf course during the tournament. Sponsor's name will be included in sponsorship video that will be playing at the pre-tournament GALA and the post-tournament Awards Luncheon.
Due Date: Sponsor will be invoiced 30 days prior to the event.
Donation: $250